The 4 Crucial Components to Seeding
STEP 2: Soil Prep
It is important for the soil to be prepped before seeding your yard. You don’t see a farmer just throw their seed on their plot and hope it produces an abundance of crops. Farmers prepare their soil before seeding to maximize efficiency and production. Just like a farmer’s crop, grass seed benefits from soil intervention. The current state of your yard will determine how you should treat your soil before seeding. Most likely, you already have an existing lawn and you are looking to overseed to thicken it up. Existing lawns should first be removed of any large debris such as sticks and stones and then mowed as short as possible with the clippings collected. If you are establishing a new lawn, you should remove large debris and then loosen the top 2-3 inches of the soil. You should always level any areas in your yard that concentrate water as standing water will suffocate new grass plants.